Children's Club in NYC / Feb 2018
La Belle Photographer: Astrid Ji #labellekidz #labellekidzandteenfashionmagazine

CHILDREN'S CLUB is an international exhibition featuring every category of children's clothing from newborn to age 12, layette items, fashion accessories, footwear, toys and gifts. Exhibiting brands reflect an eclectic base of established collections and new designers bursting onto the scene. CHILDREN'S CLUB is an excellent opportunity to be seen by the medium to better children's specialty retailers and boutiques. #childrensclub

DONDOLO #dondolobaby

Patachou #patachoubaby

Egg by Susan Lazar #eggbysusanlazar

Frankie & Sue #frankieandsue

Splendid #splendidla

Lauren Ralph Laren, DKNY #RalphLaren #DKNY

Tailor Vintage #TailorVintage

Elizabeth Cate # ElizabethCate

Princess Daliana #PrincessDaliana

BOTTLEBLOND #bottleblondjewels

Deux par Deux #deuxpardeuxkids

Sorci and Fofa # SorciandFofa

winkniks - quality eyewear for kids #winkniks

Kissy Kissy #kissykissy

Luna Luna Collection #lunalunacollection

NB Babies #NBBabies

Bling 2 O #bling2o

Sweet Wink #SweetWink

Lakeshore Baby #LakeshoreBaby

Juliana from Spain #JulianafromSpain, noni bee #nonibee

Mayoral newborn #mayoralnewborn

POP shoes #POPshoes

le top #letopusa

DL1961 #dl1961

oh baby #ohbaby

3 pommes #3pommes

imoga #imoga

mudpuppy # mudpuppy

Angel Dear # AngelDear
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La Belle Kidz & Teen Fashion Magazine