Photography / creative direction / styling / Candice Cohen
Model / Charlotte
outfits / Smallable

Charlotte wears a dress by Les Coyotes de Paris

Charlotte wears a dress by Hartford

Charlotte wears a top by Les Coyotes de Paris and overalls by Hundred Pieces

Charlotte wears a dress by Hundred Pieces

Charlotte wears a dress by Les Coyotes de Paris

Charlotte wears a dress by n°74

Charlotte wears a shirt by Hundred Pieces and a swimsuit by Pacific Rainbow

Charlotte wears a shirt by Scotch & Soda and shorts by Hundred Pieces

Charlotte wears overalls by Bellerose and T-shirt by Finger in the Nose

Charlotte wears a sweatshirt by Indee and a swimsuit by Pacific Rainbow

Charlotte wears shorts by Hundred Pieces and a swimsuit by Pacific Rainbow

Charlotte wears a T-shirt by Indee and shorts by Les Coyotes de Paris

Charlotte wears a swimsuit by Finger in the Nose and shorts by Bellerose
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