Angora Boutique Models & La Belle @ NYFW
Photographed by Serena Qian, Ins: @q.serena | Location: Manhattan, New York
SPECIAL THANKS TO @angoraboutique and Angora models for supporting La Belle #kidshelpkids
Be #NYFWmodel Be Proud! Model: Brooke Scannevin, Ins:@brookescannevin
Model: Sailor Ins: @official_sailor_bila
Model: Ava Ruschmeyer, Ins: @avamaeruschmeyer
Model: Ella Ins: @ellahafner921
Model: Gianna
Model: Vivienne
Print Model! Brianna, Ins: @brianna_6661
Who Can Not LOVE A Puppy? Model: Jonathan

Model: Daniela

No Bullying tee, model: Hailey

Model: Rabecca, Ins:@rabeccajean_

Model: Ashira Wadia, Ins: @ashirawadia

Models: Leyla & Jonathan
Thanks for reading! SHOP your fav La Belle Tee, help struggling kids and have a chance to become the next Faces Of La Belle!
How To Become The FACES OF LA BELLE? We are now accepting WINTER 2018 issue submissions! Click SUBMISSION to submit your newest photos! Please click ADVERTISE to to receive a download link to La Belle Advertise / Media Kit! Thanks & we look forward to hearing from you! La Belle Kidz & Teen Fashion Magazine Instagram: Facebook: